Share Your Stories Here Today

If you’re having a bad day, share it – maybe you just want to get it out of your system or maybe you want someone to help you, let’s get through it together! If you’re having a good day, share that too – spread your good vibes with everyone, you never know it might just help someone in need or put a smile on their face! It could be how you’re feeling, a story, something little that happened, just anything – lets try and share!


I’ll start! I’m just going to tell you a little story, some of you might think it’s lame but I thought it was funny. You’ll start to notice throughout this blog that I have a very weird, dry and lame sense of humour haha!

Partner’s mother: “Could you please check how long I have to oven-baked the food for? I don’t have my glasses and you do, please read what it says on the box, I’m blind! The box is in the bottom shelf of the freezer!”

Me: *searching searching searching making ruffle noises from all the frozen bags in the bottom shelf*

Partner’s mother: “WHAT ARE YOU DOING? It’s in a box”

Me: *searching, throwing frozen bags all over each other, making more noises* “It’s not on the bottom floor.”  Floor? haha ok

Partner’s mother: “ITS IN A BOX”

Me: *thinking to myself, I know what a box is but its all bags here, ignores her more, decides to search another shelf*

Partner’s mother: *yells more, probably thinking how stupid is my son’s partner”

Me: “I FOUND IT! It’s not on the bottom shelf, it’s on the 2nd last shelf!!!”

Partner’s mother: “oh sorry.”

That was it and I thought it was funny. Actually I’m still giggling a little while writing this 🙂 And just a FYI – I love her to death!!!! But I’m sure most of you understand, in-laws aye!!! hahaha.